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Seamless Event Check-in and Badge Printing

Deal Room’s seamless event check-in, badge scanning and badge printing features provide an easy and efficient experience for organizers, sponsors, expo owners and attendees.

What is Deal Room Badge Printing?

Badge printing is producing badges or stickers with the identity of the participant on the event day, during event check-in. Just in seconds, you can efficiently manage event badge printing on the big day and make your attendees use their QR coded badge to share their contact info with other participants. Simple, quick, flawless.

How It Works

Venue Entrance

As the attendees come to the venue, they show the QR code on their event ticket or registration confirmation on the registration desk.

Badge Printing

Once the QR code is scanned, the personalized badge with the profile info will easily be printed. It can be stuck to ready-to-use branded badges.

QR Code Scanning

Attendees can use their QR coded event badge to share their contact info with other participants and network easily.

Badge printing features for seamless event check-in

Check out Deal Room’s seamless event check-in, badge scanning and badge printing features that provides an easy and efficient experience for event participants.

Badge Printing

Effectively manage badge printing to help the attendees use the badge to share their contact and other details with other attendees and exhibitors for superior networking.

QR Code Scanning

Scan the QR code of the attendees to quickly add them to your contact list and build a high-value database of potential leads and customers for relationship building and networking.

Self-Serve Check-In

Deal Room replaces long queues for the participants to enter the event with a simple and quick self-serve check-in option that is efficient and convenient for the participants and organizers.

Access Control

Allow or restrict attendees’ access to specific areas, meetings, and sessions during the event with a powerful and robust access control system built into Deal Room.

Importing Attendee Lists

Take advantage of Deal Room data exporting capabilities to import attendee lists from other platforms or online databases to ensure the best event attendee management experience.

Lead Collection

Exhibitors or partners can scan the QR code of the attendees’ badges to quickly add them to their prospect list and build a high-value database of potential leads.

Effortless, efficient event check-in

Simplify your tasks on event day with Deal Room’s solutions

  • Simple integrated solution for event badge printing and check in:

    Effectively manage badge printing to help the attendees use the badge to share their contact and other details with other attendees and exhibitors for superior networking.

  • Hardware and software together:

    Do not bother with looking for different partners for different solutions. With Deal Room’s all-in-one event badge printing solution, printers, badges and QR coding are in the palm of your hands.

  • Practical production, efficiency on event day:

    Scan the QR code and print the badge in seconds. No more long queues, no more waiting. Minimize the need for workforce with our efficient solutions.

  • Access Control in and out from dedicated areas:

    Allow or restrict attendees’ access to specific areas, meetings, and sessions during the event with a powerful and robust access control system built into Deal Room.

  • Lead generation:

    Exhibitors or partners can scan the QR code of the attendees’ badges to quickly add them to their prospect list and build a high-value database of potential leads. Event organizers can keep track of the attendees real-time.

  • Environment friendly:

    How many badges are thrown out or recycled after each event? You don’t need to pre-print and prepare badges for attendees that do not show up on the event day anymore. You can do it just on the event day, save time and environment.

Simply attend, simply connect, simply network

Attendees easily enter the venue and start making the most out of your event

  • No queue, no waiting:

    Participants will not wait in the long queues anymore. Their high quality badges will be printed in seconds. No more long queues, no more waiting.

  • Ease of connecting and swapping contact details:

    Participants can scan the QR code on the badges of the attendees to quickly add them to their contact list and build a high-value database of potential leads and customers for relationship building and networking.

  • One profile, multiple usages:

    Whether the attendee’s QR code is on the ticket, on the registration email or on Deal Room event profile. All can easily be addressed to the personal event profile.

  • QR codes on mobile app:

    Personal QR codes of attendees are ready-to-use on their mobile Deal Room profile. They can easily show their QR code to exchange contact details with others.


Attendees, Organizers and Businesses—Everyone Loves Deal Room

Take advantage of Deal Room, the powerful, feature-rich and cutting-edge event management platform to help you organize better events that bring value, engagement and leads to everyone.

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